Sunday, February 7, 2010

Post-Op Updates

Lilly was suppose to come home on Saturday.
She is still in the hospital.

Lilly needs to be able to stand on her own and walk before she can be released.
She has not done that yet.

She did start moving her head around a little bit more today.
Her scar is about 2 inches and is mostly on the back of the neck.
It does reach up into her hair and they had to shave just a little bit.
Her neck is very sore.
The doctors took her off of morphine today and are attempting to control her pain with Tylenol. Poor baby. Her neck really does hurt.

Lilly has been rooming with 2 very special people who are giving her tons of love and attention. Her mommy & her nene! These two gals have sat for so long, they are going numb...but neither of them would have it any other way!

Today, the nurse informed Lilly's family that she can have visitors from other children!
There are three kids in particular who have been WAITING to see Lilly & give her hugs & kisses!
All three kids arrived at the hospital at about the same time!
1. Emma - big sister
2. Garrett - cute cousin
3. Cameron - sweet friend

Lilly perked up during her visit! She played a board game with Cameron.
She did art with her sister.
She played with a cute frog that Garrett brought her.
She ate a happy meal with all of them!After her meal, she took a wagon ride with Cameron.
They went to the private nurse's kitchen....
for Popsicles!
When it was time for Cameron to go home, Lilly insisted on riding the elevator down with her.
After getting approval...that is just what she did.
When we were all in the lobby waiting for the car to be pulled around, Lilly tried walking all over the place...and even climbed onto several wooden animals.
Although she was very wobbly and unstable {Mom was holding her under her arms the entire time}, it was her first attempt at ambulating w/o being forced. YAY!

Please keep praying that Lilly will grow stronger and stronger.
That she will stand tall & steady.
That she will walk on her own...soon.
Everyone is READY to get out of that hospital room!
{However, everyone is VERY impressed with the hospital, the nurses & the doctors. The care they are receiving is impeccable!}


  1. awww....Lilly had a fun day! That is quite an "ow-ee" too! I imagine that does hurt! But what a little trooper she is! Prayers will continue for a successful recovery soon so everyone can come home...that is where recovery will go fast...:) hugs to you all!

  2. Poopsie! (i shouldnt say that out loud eh?) ha been thinking of you, check the updates often and will call you today. lots of love and glad all is going well. what a brave girl
    happy birthday Andy
